A3901: Dual Full Bridge Low Voltage Motor Driver
The A3901 is a dual full-bridge motor driver, designed for low voltage portable applications involving bipolar stepper or brush dc motors. The outputs have been optimized for low voltage drop, with currents up to ±400 mA (±800 mA with outputs paralleled) and an operating voltage range of 2.5 to 5.5 V.
The four inputs (IN1 to IN4) can control a bipolar stepper motor in full- or half-step mode, or dc motors in forward, reverse, or brake mode. The inputs can be PWMed for current or speed control at frequencies up to 250 kHz.
Internal protection circuitry includes thermal shut down (TSD) and crossover (shoot-through) protection.
The A3901 is supplied in a 3 x 3 x 0.75 mm nominal, 10-lead MLP package, with exposed thermal pad (package "EJ"). This small footprint package is lead (Pb) free, with 100% matte tin leadframe plating.
A3901: 双路全桥式低电压电动机驱动器
A3901 是一种全桥式电动机驱动器,用于有关双极步进或电刷直流电动机的低压便携应用。该输出最适用于低压骤降的情况,电流最大可达 ±400 毫安(相当于 ±800 毫安的并行输出),操作电压范围为 2.5 到 5.5 伏特。
(IN1 到 IN4)四种输入能够控制全步进与半步进模式下的双极步进电动机,或正转、反转和制动模式中的直流电动机。可将输入脉宽调制 (PWM) 为频率达 250 千赫的电流或速度控制。
内部保护电路拥有过热关机 (TSD) 和交叉(击穿)保护功能。
A3901 封装在标有 3 x 3 x 0.75 毫米的十引脚 MLP 封装内,带有外露热传导垫片(“EJ”封装)。该小型封装为无铅产品,且引脚框采用 100% 雾锡电镀。